About iWineDb
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The Internet Wine Database (iWineDb) is an online database of wine related information. Our mission is to be the leading source of information about wines, wine makers, restaurants and retailers that specialize in the merchandizing and service of wine. We catalog relevant information about a wine from... Where can I find it? Who made it? and What's in it? to How to Taste and Review it.
iWineDb provides a unique community-based wine rating and taste profiler to share your personal reviews AND have your scores contribute to our Bayesian-based community ratings. Our goal is to build intuitive and fun applications that present wine information that�s accessible to people new to wine and to those who have years of experience and knowledge.
In addition, we also provide educational content from Kevin Zraly, the #1 wine �edutainer� in the world. Kevin has studied winemaking techniques in all the major international wine regions, conducted wine classes for more than thirty years. His book has sold over 2.5 million copies and over 16,000 students have taken his classes.
iWineDb is an easy way to get the information you need to select and enjoy wines no matter where you are� at restaurants, retailers or online. Share your personal wine reviews with your friends and contribute to the community rating service for wine. Invite your friends to join now!
You can:
> Find information on wines, wineries, retailers and restaurant specializing in wines.
> Learn about wine from the #1 wine educator.
> Share your favorite wines and ratings with the world.
iWineDb is your online source for wine information and services. And basic accounts are free.
Sign up now!
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